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联合大学队列项目为本科生和研究生提供了机会 开始或继续与广泛的包容性有关的对话 identities. 

学生通过注册队列并参加课程来完成UNITE课程 educational trainings throughout the Fall and Spring semesters. Students who complete 在学年结束时,一定数量的讲习班被邀请结束 of year celebration and call to action.

Offered Workshops for FALL 2024

学生在签约前必须先参加公平与包容基金会研讨会 up for other trainings. If you are unable to attend this workshop, please contact UNITE@ycdwkj666.com 

UNITE Workshop

Exploring Equity and Inclusion Foundations

参与者通过探索社会身份获得公平和包容的概述 了解当前的社会问题通过这个互动式研讨会,这有助于 学生如何作为个人和集体行使他们的代理和权力 actions.

Workshops Available: 

  • Tuesday, October 8th @ 4:30pm- 6pm
  • Thursday, November 14th, @ 5pm- 630pm
  • Wednesday, November 20th , @ 3:30pm- 5pm

Race and Racism

Race & Racism 101

这个互动工作坊提供了一个讨论种族关系的机会 racism. 参与者将获得历史的简要概述,分享对当代的看法 提出并讨论根除种族主义和改善种族关系的策略.

Workshops Available: 

      • Wednesday, September 11th @ 3:30pm- 5pm
      • Tuesday, October 22nd @ 4:30pm- 6pm

Race and Racism

Race & Racism 201 

这个互动式研讨会将为参与者提供现代压迫的概述 系统,并对这些系统中的地位和身份进行批判性审查. 参与者还将通过剖析和参与来审视自己的种族实践 developmental and sociological theory.  

Workshops Available: 

      • Thursday, October 10th @ 5pm- 6:30pm
      • Monday, November 18th @ 3:30pm- 5pm

UNITE Workshop

Understanding and welcoming spaces for neurodivergence

以神经多样性社区和心理健康专业人士的最佳实践为基础 实践标准,参与者将了解更多的身份范围 在神经多样性的保护伞下以及如何支持神经多样性的需求 around campus.

Available Workshops:

  • Wednesday, September 18th @ 4:30pm- 6pm
  • Monday, October 28th @5pm- 6:30pm


DREAMer Zone 

梦想区围绕梦想家(学生)的生活经历建立意识 identify as undocumented) on the UNC campus. Training participants will engage in 开展活动,增进对影响国家特性的术语和政策的了解; privilege and advocacy.

Available Workshops:

      • Wednesday, October 2nd @ 3:30pm- 5pm
      • Tuesday, November 12th, @ 3:30pm- 5pm

Disability and accessibility

Disability & Accessibility 

本次会议的重点是残疾的历史背景和当前现实. 参与者将与彼此和演讲者互动,以了解演变 残疾身份以及这可能对他们生活产生的影响. 在整个课程中,参与者将反思他们的语言使用和潜力 implicit bias toward folks with disabilities. This work will aid in the action plan that participants will develop at the end of the session.

Available Workshops:

  • Wednesday, September 25th @3:30-5pm
  • Thursday, November 7th, @ 4:30 – 6pm

UNITE Workshop

Queer Policy Update  

讨论酷儿和变性人在当前政策背景下面临的挑战 学生们能做些什么来更好地为不同性别的学生争取权益 sexuality spectrums.

Available Workshops:

  • Tuesday, September 24th @ 5pm- 6:30pm
  • Wednesday, October 30th, @ 5pm- 6:30pm

UNITE Workshops Offered in Future Semesters

Sexism and gender justice

Sexism & Gender Justice 

探索与性别、性别正义和女权主义相关的关键思想和问题. 参与者被介绍到性别歧视,并学会识别何时发生性别歧视 同时参与讨论自己在博天堂官方及其他学校的性别歧视经历.

Examining socio-economic status

参与者将研究社会经济地位和广泛的定义 a class cultural lens. Knowing class is an intersectional experience, participants 不仅要承认他们的SES经验,还要说明他们如何运用这些知识 to the UNC classroom and the greater community. Participants will engage in conversations 博天堂官方网站社会阶层和探索如何开始破坏社会分层 in a national context.

International experiences

通过这次研讨会,与会者将了解到国际上面临的独特挑战 学生、移民和难民面临着向美国的过渡. 我们还将讨论与会者如何解决对移民人口的偏见 and improve cross cultural communication.

Miltiary 探索军事文化和退伍军人经历解决了偏见,耻辱, 对军人和退伍军人的刻板印象弥漫在学术空间. Academic 机构往往缺乏对军事文化的充分认识和独特性 experiences of student veterans. This leads to assumptions that veterans are aggressive or suffer from mental health issues. Veterans face challenges transitioning to campus life after their military service. Examining these stereotypes and bringing cultural 意识到校园,我们的目标是创造更包容的教育环境 veterans to share their perspectives and succeed academically.

Spirituality and Religious Identity Dialogues

What is religion? Spirituality? Faith? How can you increase your religious literacy? 加入我们的互动工作坊,探索与意义建构和 作为一个校园社区,我们如何才能在不同信仰的交往中更具包容性.

UNITE Workshop

这个研讨会是一个充满活力和赋权的学习经验,旨在促进包容性 practices in the realm of marketing and communication. Participants will explore practical 创建包容性营销内容、活动和传播材料的策略. 我们将深入了解不同的文化视角,社会身份, 以及沟通偏好,从而制定出有影响力的策略,引起共鸣 with diverse audiences. 

UNITE Workshop

本次会议的重点是社会政治,历史和现代的迭代 Anti-Semitism in the US and globally. Participants will engage interactively to understand 反犹主义在过去和现在与他们的工作,学生和 our campus communities. 通过这个课程,参与者将反思他们的社会化 与犹太文化或信仰相关,发展跨信仰技能,并发展个性化 根据社会政治、历史和现代背景制定行动计划 of Anti-Semitism.


Learning Outcomes

我们的目标是使每个人都能访问演示文稿和相关材料. Information Disability Resource Center five (5) days in advance of accessibility barriers you may encounter.

  • 展示对UNC多元化社区的问题和关注的认识
  • 展示影响博天堂官方多元化社区的政策、法律和实践知识
  • Recognize and articulate identities you hold
  • Identify and articulate privilege identities
  • 认识到在哪里指导个人获得更多博天堂官方网站身份的资源
  • 确定支持自己和边缘化社区的个人行动