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DEI Fellows Program 

DEI Fellows Program Logo

The Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) Fellows program is designed to provide UNC’s faculty and staff with opportunities to develop competency & praxis in equity and inclusion. Fellows will design and develop a project for the fellowship year, culminating in a campus-wide training or initiative. Our community is committed to institutional change, and we hope this fellows program provides additional concrete ways of engaging in deep, meaningful equity and inclusion work.  

Welcome the 2022 DEI Fellows 

Dr. Chelsie Romulo (she/her/hers)
Associate Professor, Geography, GIS and Sustainability
Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS)
PhD, Environmental Science and Policy, George Mason University
DEI Fellows Program 
Dr. Karen Barton (she/her/hers)
Professor, Geography, GIS & Sustainability
Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS)
PhD, Geography, University of Arizona
DEI Fellow: Dr. Karen Barton
Dr. Cindy Wesley (she/her/hers)
Associate Dean
Graduate School
PhD, History of Christianity, McGill University
DEI Fellow: Dr. Cindy Wesley
Courtney Caston, MM (she/her/hers)
Library Technician II, Skinner Music Library
University Libraries (UL)
Master of Music, Vocal Performance, University of Northern Colorado
DEI Fellow: Courtney Caston
Hannah Conner, MA (she/her/hers)
Deputy Director, Social Research Lab
Adjunct Instructor, Gender Studies
Humanities & Social Sciences (HSS)
MA, Applied Sociology, University of Northern Colorado
DEI Fellow Hannah Conner
Dr. Jieun Lee (she/her/hers)
Associate Professor, Geography, GIS & Sustainability
Humanities & Social Sciences (HSS)
PhD, Urban and Economic Geography, Michigan State University
DEI Fellows: Dr. Jieun Lee
Kelly Langley Cook (she/her/hers)
Lecturer, History
Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS)

MA, History, University of Northern Colorado

email: kelly.langleycook@ycdwkj666.com  

DEI Fellows: Kelly Langley Cook
Saeda Quist, MA (she/her/hers)
Retention & Outreach Coordinator, Advising & Success Center
Montfort College of Business (MCB)
MA, Higher Education Administration & Leadership, Adams State University
DEI Fellow: Saeda Quist
Dr. Teresa Buckner (she/her/hers)
Assistant Professor, Kinesiology, Nutrition & Dietetics
Natural and Health Sciences (NHS)
PhD, Epidemiology, Colorado School of Public Health

DEI Fellow: Dr. Teresa Buckner

Requirements & Eligibility 

DEI Fellows serve one-year term per academic year (October 1-June 1 for AY22-23, and August 15-May 15 for every subsequent year) 

Fellow terms are NOT renewable 

Each fellow will receive a stipend of $2000 for their participation in the DEI Fellows program 

This will be paid as a PSA & paid monthly 

All full-time staff and faculty/adjust/contract renewable are eligible to apply (i.e., tenure-track or tenure is not a requirement for application) 

Areas of Development 

We are specifically focused on five (5) areas of development in which our DEI Fellows can create, design & implement a project to serve the campus community:

Fellows Program Timeline & Anticipated Time Commitments

Oct. 3-7, 2022

DEI Fellows Orientation 

Expect to dedicate 4-6 hours this week to Orientation.

Oct. 3-7, 2022

DEI Fellows Individual Meetings 

Expect to dedicate 1 hour this week to an individual meeting.

Last week of each month from Oct. 2022 - May 2023

DEI Fellows Cohort Meetings 

Expect to dedicate 2 hours that week of each month for the cohort meeting.

Last week of each month from Oct. 2022 - May 2023

DEI Fellows Individual Meetings 

Expect to dedicate 1 hour that week each month for the individual meeting.

Late May 2022 (TBD)


Event (Presentation

of Fellows Projects) 

Expect to dedicate 2-3 hours this week to that event. 

In addition, expect to dedicate 10-15 hours per month to the completion of the Fellows Project outside these times.