

  1. 什么是学生LEAF? 
    学生LEAF stands for Student 领导 for Environmental Action Funds. 这是一个 committee of students who work together to better the university's social and natural environment through the funds we receive every semester. 我们谈论了很多想法 come directly from you, the students of 校园 through our site in the form of 建议. If you feel your voice isn't being heard, submit a proposal and we will look into and do our best to resolve the issue, communicate it with Student Senate, or bring it up with other departments who may know how best to fix it. 

  2. 什么是可持续性? 
    The National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 defines sustainability as "a means to creating and maintaining conditions under which humans and nature can exist in productive harmony, that permit fulfilling the social, economic, and other requirements 这一代和子孙后代”  (www.环境保护署.gov /可持续性). 这里我们考虑 环境、社会和经济公平 为了改善我们的社会. 可持续发展的目的是确保生产 use of resources, without compromising the success of future generations. 可持续性 at the 北科罗拉多大学 involves the empowerment of students through collaborative efforts in promoting resource efficiency in addition to other sustainable 倡议.  

  3. 我如何提交提案?
    On the LEAF website, under our logo and "Come Join Us!,会有一个按钮 redirects you to a Qualtrics survey to submit your proposal idea. 也会有 be a link in the survey that directs you to a document that shows how we rate incoming 建议. Please read and understand this document before submitting your proposal. 
  4. 为什么不是每个屋顶上都有太阳能板? 
    这 is one of three of our biggest questions we get every year. 主要有两种 问题. First, infrastructure costs, for example, our solar array on Parsons Hall 耗资500000美元. While we at 学生LEAF would love to fund solar panels for the whole 遗憾的是,校园不在我们的预算范围之内. 甚至安装太阳能电池板 一栋楼的屋顶就会花光我们的全部预算. 我们觉得我们可以有更好的投资回报率 and ROE if we dedicate that funding to smaller, more effective projects. 其次, UNC has agreements and policies in place which limit options for alternative energy 在校园的某些地方由于合同问题. 话虽如此,联合国军司令部正在积极行动 寻求太阳能方案. 

  5. 为什么我们不堆肥?  
    这 is another of the three biggest questions we get. 我们的主要问题是 to compost on 校园, we would need someone to work as our composting manager. 这 person would collect the organic waste, move it to the compost pile, and make sure 它能很好地堆肥. One issue with this idea for 学生LEAF is we cannot fund 持续经营费用. The university would have to pay the compost manager. On top of this,  composting is a very regulated activity including lots of licensing, 许可证和证书. Finally, we thought about reaching out to a local company to have them pick up our organic waste on a regular basis, but they were unable to 处理我们产生的大量废物. (寄了一个给奥利维亚——某人. 我们可以 一旦我们弄清楚就更新它)

  6. 为什么洒水器要在人行道上洒水? 这是浪费水! 
    这 is the third of our most frequently asked questions, and for this we spoke with 莎拉•博伊德 景观及场地经理. 北科罗拉多大学有超过254名学生 维护校园面积英亩.  大部分的灌溉系统可以追溯到 original 校园 construction and did not consider the well-established water conservation 今天的做法. Several of the sidewalks on 校园 were constructed post irrigation installation and were based on pedestrian movements throughout 校园 rather than  常见的节约用水措施.  这与需要利用的大相结合 volume irrigation heads that can cover large areas make it nearly impossible to water 不影响人行道的校园.  如果今天重新设计这些区域, 我们很可能会看到最小的硬着陆倾覆.  尽管如此,UNC努力保持 自然保育优先.  West 校园 is largely watered via non potable water sources reducing the amount of treated water that is needed, 学生叶 has helped to fund an irrigation control system that allows for flow managed water programming as well as seasonal adjustment of water usage and the capacity to flow manage the system.  It is our hope that we will eventually be able to reduce hardscape overthrow through 灌溉更换和校园翻新.

  7. I saw a dripping faucet, or a flickering light, or a similar problem that needs to 我该告诉谁呢?
    You can make a facilities request at the below link for any 问题. 在“设施”下 drop down menu, most of our buildings are under "State", or if the problem is outside 你可以选择“全校园”.   
    连接到设施要求: http://fmservicedesk.ycdwkj666.com/

    You can also contact the Building Supervisor for the building by finding their contact 此名单上的资料:   http://xzhz.ycdwkj666.com/facilities/pdf/Building-Coordinator-Contact-List-7-2021.pdf  

  8. LEAF会资助我的扶轮社活动吗? 
    If the event is directly related to sustainability, we would consider funding a part 你的活动.

  9. How can I participate in 学生LEAF without being a committee member?
    First and foremost, everyone is participating in 学生LEAF simply by being a student.  The weekly meetings are open to the public, so regardless of committee position or lack thereof, you are encouraged to join and discuss 校园 wide sustainable developments. If you have interest in coming to a meeting, our meeting time and place is located on the main page of our BearCave page as well as our 奇怪的人.edu/leaf页面. 最重要的是, 鼓励学生提交项目建议! 我们想听听学生们的意见 on 校园 that are passionate about sustainable development and improving the visibility 我们社区的可持续发展计划. 最后,学生可以表示支持 学生LEAF by utilizing the different projects we have implemented across 校园; so, fill up your reusable bottles, and recycle at any of the various locations across 校园. 

    Essentially, students can participate in 学生LEAF without being a committee member by: submitting project 建议, attending weekly meetings, and contributing with 开放、公平的心态.

  10. 资金从何而来? 
    学生LEAF funds sustainable projects and developments across 校园 through each 学生的法案. 每个学生分到10美元.00美元的费用提前记入学生账单 到每个学期的开始. 这些资金也用于项目开发 作为促销项目和活动.