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Scholarship and Leadership Programs

有很多方法可以让你参与各种你感兴趣的项目 you or to be a leader on campus. 校园领导和奖学金项目的机会 可以丰富你的大学经历,提高你的学习能力,帮助你上大学, and strengthen your community as well as your resume. 


  • Reisher Scholars Program

    Reisher Scholars Program

    The Reisher Scholars Program 通过颁发奖学金帮助有前途的科罗拉多学生获得本科学位 based on financial need and academic merit. This unique program focuses on rising 大学二年级学生和转学生已经证明了学术和 leadership potential as undergraduates.

    奖学金从每学年4000美元到15000美元不等,用于支付学生未满足的经济需求 need for up to six semesters. 该项目致力于帮助学生以最少的成本毕业 educational debt. 

    Program Eligibility


    • Be a Colorado resident (includes tribal affiliation according to Colorado Senate Bill SB21-029)
    • 2024年秋季进入博天堂官方第二学年继续学习或转学 2024年从初级或社区学院转到博天堂官方
    • Have a 3.0 cumulative GPA (minimum) 
    • Be a full-time student (12 credits a semester)
    • 有资格获得佩尔助学金(最高,最低或计算)或证明未满足 家庭调整后总收入(AGI)低于300%时的财务需求 of Federal Poverty Level
      • Completion of the FAFSA 我们知道联邦政府对奖学金申请有延迟 并鼓励学生尽快完成FAFSA, 如果您对奖学金完成FAFSA有任何担忧,请博天堂官方 deadline.)
    • Submit a 北科罗拉多大学通用奖学金申请 by the indicated application deadline
    Program Requirements
    How to Apply: 

    2024-25学年的申请将于2023年11月1日在博天堂官方环球分校开放 Scholarship Application. Log on to your UNC URSA 点击“财务”选项卡,然后选择“UNC奖学金申请”。 link. 

    根据资格标准,Reisher应用程序应该在您的“推荐”中生成 但是,如果没有,那么你可以在“我们的机会”中搜索一下 申请“赖舍家庭奖学金-继续”或“赖舍家庭奖学金-转学” Student" to access the applications. 

    Deadline to apply for continuing students: April 19

    Deadline to apply for transfer students: June 7

    Contact Information: 

    了解更多信息或了解您或学生是否有资格获得Reisher 奖学金,请联系博天堂官方赖舍协调员,谢里丹·斯纳普,电话:970-351-2922 or sheridan.snapp@ycdwkj666.com. Students can also schedule a "Reisher Interest Meeting“审阅申请材料并提出进一步问题. 

  • President’s Leadership Program

    President’s Leadership Program (PLP)

    博天堂官方校长领导力课程(PLP)是一个为期2年,9学分的领导力发展课程 本科学生可以在第一学年申请的项目 UNC.  PLP学生参加以群体为基础的课程和课外活动 培养学者之间的领导能力和社区. Scholars receive at least $2,000 per year 在项目的第二年有机会获得更多的奖学金. 

    Leadership Vision: 总统领导力项目将领导力视为对社区的贡献, 不是一种只对个人有利的内在特质. PLP wants students to leave 该计划具备在多种环境中成为有效领导者的技能.

    UNC is a member of the Coloardo Leadership Alliance. For more information, visit: http://denverleadership.org/colorado-leadership-alliance/. 


    • At least $2,000 in scholarship funding per year 
    • 通过其他学生领袖的群体联系和支持
    • 与校园和社区组织建立联系的独特机会 
    • 通过体验式学习机会(工作坊、 community service, etc.) and courses 
    • 为个人和职业发展提供机会,拓展个人领导力 toolkit


    • 学生必须修满领导力课程9个学分,LEAD 100, LEAD 200, and LEAD 492, by the time of graduation
    • Participate in a UNC or community organization
    • Participate in one full day workshop each semester
    • 在课程的第二年,学生将规划并展示领导力 training to UNC students with their PLP cohort group
    How to Apply: 


    Deadline to apply is July 1, 2024 at 11:59 PM

    • If the link above does not work: 
      • 根据资格标准,总统领导计划奖学金申请 应该在你的“推荐的机会”部分产生,但是,如果它没有 然后你可以在“我们的机会”中搜索“总统的”,选择“总统的” Leadership Program (PLP) Application" to apply. 
    • 一份完整的申请包括一封推荐信和5个简短的回答 博天堂官方网站你的学习动机,领导经历,以及你为什么想要 to be part of the PLP
    Contact Information: 

    欲了解更多信息,请帮助申请,或了解您或学生是否 符合总统领导计划和奖学金的资格,请联系 Sheridan Snapp,学生事务奖学金和运营经理,电话970-351-2922 or sheridan.snapp@ycdwkj666.com.

  • Robert & Ludie Dickeson Presidential Prize for Leadership

    Robert & Ludie Dickeson Presidential Prize for Leadership

    The Robert & 设立卢迪·迪克森总统领导奖 由北科罗拉多大学第八任校长罗伯特·迪克森和 his wife, Ludie, in December of 1990. The award was created to acknowledge and reward student leadership on the UNC campus.

    $1,850 award – Awarded to two students 一名女学生和一名男学生 donor agreement)



    • Be a Senior;
    • Obtain a GPA of 3.0 or higher;
    • 已于2023年夏季、2023年12月或2024年5月毕业;
    • Have Two (2) letters of nomination
      • One letter from a faculty and/or staff member
      • AND one letter from a student and/or student organization;
    • 2024年春季毕业典礼前所有课程都完成了吗.
    • 被同龄人、教职员工和博天堂官方社区视为学生领袖 

    The application is now open and the deadline to apply is March 25 at 11:59pm. If you have any questions, please reach out to sheridan.snapp@ycdwkj666.com