


To determine if you have any holds that would prevent registration:

  • 登录到 Ursa
  • 单击Student选项卡
  • Under “注册信息,” click on the "View Student Information" link
  • In the Student Information form, 观点认为 on the upper right section of the screen. 






  • 3 -逾期注册暂停

    This hold is placed by the Bursar's Office (Student Accounts). hold指的是 过去的结余超过200美元. Contact the Bursar's Office at 970-351-4862 to resolve the hold. 

  • 21 .免疫需求-保健中心

    This hold is placed if the UNC Student Health Center is missing required immunization records. Proof of immunization is required for taking courses at UNC. 请联系 the Student Health Center at 970-351-1919 to resolve this hold.

  • 34 -学术地位

    This hold is placed when your GPA falls below 2.0 . 要解除这个束缚,你必须 联系你的学术顾问. 

  • 37 -停学

    This hold is placed when you are academically suspended. 请联络学生及学术 Success at 970-351-1411 or by email at probation@ycdwkj666.com 了解你的选择.

  • 35 -无重大事件30小时-申报重大事件

    This hold is placed if you have not declared a program of study and have 30 or more 完成单位. To resolve this hold, you are required to declare a major by completing a 主要/次要变化形式 and receiving approval from the academic unit/program. 

  • 38 - Contact Registrar (Expired Catalog)

    此保留用于过期目录. 请联系 your advisor to complete a Major/Minor change form to update your record to an active catalog. 

  • 50 -学生运动员

    This hold is placed on all student-athletes at UNC. hold要求学生 联系他们的 学生运动员学术顾问 在添加或删除课程之前. 

  • 81, 82, 83, 84 & 85 -学生行为 & 问责制

    This hold has been placed by Student Conduct & 问责制(SCA). 联络SCA: 970-351-2753 for information about your specific hold. 

To have a hold released, you should contact the department that placed the hold

* If you have a hold not listed, please contact the 司法常务官办公室 寻求帮助. 


We’ve put together a list of some common error and restriction messages to help you get through the process smoothly and confidently. 对于其中一些错误信息, it may be possible to receive an instructor override, in which case you should email 向你的指导老师寻求帮助. 所有UNC的邮件都是 firstname.lastname@ycdwkj666.com.

  • Time Tickets prevent registration at this time. 

    Students register based on the number of 完成单位 and by level. 如果你收到 this message, you are trying to register before your designated registration date. View the 注册表 to determine your designated registration time slot. 

  • Student Status prohibits registration

    If the student has an inactive status on their student record, they will receive this error. Contact the 司法常务官办公室 to determine the best way to reactivate 这个账户. 

  • You may not add or drop classes due to holds on your record

    Student has a hold on their account which prevents registration (including add, drop 或退出). Contact the department that placed the hold to resolve. 

    If you need to drop or withdrawal from a course(s) and are unable to resolve the hold, please contact the 司法常务官办公室 寻求帮助. 

  • 校园的限制

    Registration limited to a specific campus program. 根据项目、部门、 或者教练的批准.

  • 学生属性限制

    Registration is restricted to a specific student program.

  • 限制类

    Registration is restricted to specific class level(s) i.e. 大三或大四学生. Contact the instructor of record 申请进入课堂的许可. 一份教师撤销遗嘱 需要.

  • 封闭的部分

    课程已满. Add to Waitlist if available or contact the instructor of record for 允许进入课堂. 将需要重写教员权限.

  • 大学的限制

    Course registration is restricted to a specific college. 联系指导老师 record 申请进入课堂的许可. 将需要重写教员权限.

  • 队列限制

    队列限制 - Registration limited to specific student cohort. 根据计划, 部门,或指导员批准.

  • Co-Requisite所需

    A co-requisite course must be registered for at the same time. 必修课程 be added at the same time before hitting acknowledge/submit. (Ex. 通讯100及103)

  • 重复的CRN
    Attempting to register for the same course twice. 无法注册更多的部分 不止一次.
  • 同等课程排除

    An 同等课程排除 error occurs when you attempt to enroll in a class that is equivalent with another class in which you already have credit (or have already 登记). Courses are considered equivalent when they have significant overlapping 或者相同的内容. Student are only allowed to receive degree credit for one of 等效类. 

  • 研究领域限制

    Course registration is restricted to specific Major and Minor only. 联系教练 of record 申请进入课堂的许可. 将需要重写教员权限.

  • 老师批准

    Instructor consent is needed to enter the course. 联系有记录的指导员 申请进入课堂的许可. 将需要重写教员权限.

  • 水平的限制

    Undergraduate student attempting to register for a graduate-level course. 

  • 主要的限制

    Course registration is restricted to specific Major only. 联系指导老师 record 申请进入课堂的许可. 将需要重写教员权限.

  • 最大时间

    You’ve attempted to register for more than 18 hours (undergraduates) or 17 hours (graduate 学生). A 超载请求表格 (Graduate or Undergraduate) is required.

  • 先决条件的限制

    Must meet all prerequisites of the course to register. 课程先决条件见目录. 联系有记录的指导员 申请进入课堂的许可. 教职员工优先 将会被需要.

  • 与crn#时间冲突

    Time conflict with another course on your schedule. 联系有记录的指导员 申请进入课堂的许可. 将需要重写教员权限.