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OSEP Scholar Information

The PSI 项目将为27名高年级学生颁发OSEP奖学金 将于2021-2026年参加北卡大学英语手语口译(ASLEI)项目. These students will be OSEP Scholars.

PSI项目的OSEP奖学金将帮助您成功地在公共场所工作 学校作为跨学科团队的一部分,支持学生的教育 who are deaf and hard of hearing. 作为OSEP学者,你将完成15个学分 学校口译系列(SIS)集中基于 Values and Competencies, as part of your ASLEI BA coursework.

Graduate Spotlight

Scholar Requirement

有资格申请PSI项目下的OSEP奖学金, you must be an ASLEI studentOSEP奖学金只提供给符合以下条件的学生:

" "
A Year 2 Student

" "
Entering Year 3 this Fall
(i.e., 300-level courses)

" "
In good academic standing

Become an ASLEI Student


Sequence of Major Courses

The School Interpreting Series concentration is five (5) courses. 这些课程将在秋季和 三年级和四年级春季学期.

Application Process Application Deadline: April 15th

SIS学位计划是典型的学习计划,为全日制学生,谁 is an OSEP Scholar. 兼职注册状态是可用的,并将根据来自ASLEI的建议 Program advisors.

Perks of the PSI & ASLEI Partnership

作为OSEP学者,你将获得两年的经济支持来完成你的学士学位 美国手语英语口译学位,主修教育口译.

作为一名ASLEI学生,你将作为一名有能力的、自主的从业者进入这个行业. The ASLEI curriculum is:

" "

" "

" "
Accredited by the



" "

  • RID
  • ED:K-12 (ASL or PSE only)
  • 4.0+ on the EIPA performance & the EIPA written

在大多数情况下,专业证书使你有资格在夏季进入该项目 第二学年,即OSEP奖学金开始前的一个学期.

" "

Email unofficial transcripts & credentials to PSIproject@ycdwkj666.com


对典型的学习计划或学习时间的任何改变 在你的成绩单和证书收到后,会收到来自ASLEI顾问的通知吗 你已经被UNC和ASLEI项目录取了.

Scholar Expectations

Submit PSI's
OSEP Application

" "

Apply for the
OSEP Scholarship Award.

Application is opens until April 15, 2024.

Be an
OSEP Scholar

" "


Attend meetings & advising sessions.

Commit to

" "

完整的指导,专业经验, & a 4-year, public school service obligation.

Scholar Benefits


" "$25,000-$27,000

Direct support for:

  • Tuition
  • Educational stipends

" "$3,000 (+/-)

Collective support for:

  • Induction-mentorship experience
  • 参加专业会议/发展
  • 参与研究和奖学金
  • National credential exams

" "To Be Determined

S补贴学生在校外实习的费用 community

Scholar Service Obligation

作为OSEP奖学金的回报,你需要在教育机构工作 接受《博天堂官方网站》(IDEA)服务的学生 (e.g., IEP or 504).

" "
Year 3 & 4 of the ASLEI Program

" "
2 years of service for each
year of academic funding support

" "
4 years of full-time employment
with an IDEA eligible student

许多ASLEI学生实际上可以在他们的学习期间开始跟踪他们的服务义务 senior year.

" "如果你没有完成学业,你必须偿还OSEP用于你教育的资金 the required service obligation.

PSI项目通过特殊教育人才发展提供奖学金 改善为残疾儿童提供的服务和成果 Special Education Programs (OSEP). OSEP提供的资金要求有服务义务 基于该法案第662(h)条和本部分的法规. Additional information 博天堂官方网站服务义务可在 OSEP website.

Timeline (Subject to Change)


Virtual Open House: Scholarship Q&A

加入我们每个月的第一个星期三(十二月至二月),了解更多博天堂官方网站 the OSEP Scholarship Award. RSVP to Emily.Girardin@ycdwkj666.com to receive the Zoom link.

December: 6-7 MST

January: 4-5 MST

February: 6-7 MST


Scholarship Application Opens

Scholarship applications open in December 2023.

注意,大学/系12月15日至1月1日关闭. Responses to 这段时间的问题将在新年之后出现.


Scholarship Application Due

Submit your application 2024年4月15日前申请OSEP奖学金. 


Acceptance Letters

录取通知书将不迟于6月3日发送给入选的学生。 2024.

August (Fall Semester)

Scholarship Awarded

学者(进入大三的学生)将获得OSEP资助 their financial aid account.

Grant Recognition

PSI计划网站的内容是根据a U.S. 教育部特殊教育计划办公室(OSEP)人员 preparation project (H325K210024). 内容不一定代表教育部的政策. 你不应该认为得到了联邦政府的支持.


The 全国康复训练资料交换中心 (NCRTM)网站是访问存档和新康复的中央门户 提供搜索功能的培训资源,以及质量评级系统 增强了可用性和可访问性.