
Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Clinic

Established in 1958, the UNC Speech-Language Pathology & 听力学诊所提供 a variety of diagnostic and rehabilitative services to individuals with speech, language, 听力和/或平衡困难. Our facility located in Gunter Hall is equipped with instrumentation for diagnosing and treating communication disorders of any age. Referrals from physicians, teachers, speech-language pathologists, audiologists, parents, or other clients are accepted but are not necessary.

The Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Clinic is a non-profit organization. 服务 are provided by graduate students under the supervision of faculty and staff who are certified by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA).


  • Comprehensive hearing evaluations (adults and pediatrics)
  • Hearing aid evaluations, fitting, orientation, sales, and maintenance
  • 助听器电池销售
  • 辅助听力设备
  • Cochlear Implant Candidacy Evaluations (adults)
  • 听觉康复课程
  • Auditory Processing Disorders Evaluations (ages 7 and older)
  • Auditory brainstem response (ABR/BAER) assessment
  • 耳声发射(TEOAE & DPOAE)测试
  • 中耳(阻抗)测试
  • 职业性听力保护
  • 健全的测量和调查
  • 个人听力保护
  • 移动听力测定


  • Comprehensive speech and language evaluations
  • Individual and group therapy for children and adults with disorders of fluency, voice, 自闭症和/或语言.
  • Individual and group therapy for speech-language disorders following stroke, head 外伤,或者喉切除术
  • Individual evaluation and treatment of swallowing
  • 听觉(re)资格
  • Augmentative communication device training (for individuals with limited or no speech)
  • 口音矫正疗法


We currently offer adult implant candidacy evaluations, programming/mapping of cochlear implants, and aural (re)habilitation services to pediatric and adult cochlear implant 用户.  找到答案 frequently asked questions about cochlear implant services 在这里. We also have Oticon FM systems which we can loan out for use in the classroom and other challenging listening environments.

Scottish Rite Foundation Funded 项目

The Scottish Rite Foundation of Colorado has a long history of supporting early speech, language, and hearing intervention to preschool and school-age children.  我们的诊所 is one of 12 RiteCare programs in the state. Families are eligible to apply for funding 每六个月一次.  博士联系. Caitlin Raaz at (970) 351-1201 for more information.  

  • Talking and Listening with Preschools (TALP)

    The Talking and Listening with Preschools (TALP) program is an intensive group experience for children with language problems and their typical peers.  孩子们参加 1.每周两次,每次5小时. Professionals and graduate students in Speech-Language Pathology collaborate with parents to create individualized language-learning plans utilizing children’s literature and rich language interactions. 每个孩子都要接受初步评估 prior to the start of the program to establish baseline language and literacy skills. Then, each individual child’s progress is recorded throughout the program to document 读写能力和语言能力全面提高.

  • 演讲和签名故事(SASS)

    演讲和签名故事(SASS) is a six-week program during our summer semester for children who are deaf/hard 的听力 and their siblings.  他们学习手语 and practice listening and talking through exposure to story books and hands-on activities.  Parents observe lessons and are provided with weekly handouts (in Spanish or English) 博天堂官方网站家庭活动和想法.  课程是由 graduate students in speech-language pathology under supervision by a faculty member.

  • 语文及读写(LAL)

    The 语文及读写(LAL) group is a six week summer program designed for older school-aged children, their siblings and hearing peers. 这个团体使用戏剧和 fractured fairy tales as the backdrop for developing skills in literacy and language.  学生 read, write and perform plays throughout the six weeks.  在一个高潮 event, the group performs a play for their families and young children who are deaf/hard 的听力.


  • Charges vary according to the services provided. 联系诊所获取信息 博天堂官方网站具体费用.
  • Sliding fee scale available to qualified applicants.
  • Visa, Mastercard, and Discover credit cards accepted.
  • Reimbursement is often available from health insurance.
  • 北科罗拉多大学 Communication Assistance Program (UNCCAP) is available for qualified individuals to help fund services.
  • Medicare, Medicaid, and Colorado Access provider


  • If driving south on 8th Avenue, the parking 很多 entrance is just south of the stop 在第8大道和第18街交口处有交通灯.
  • If driving north on 8th Avenue, turn left at 19th Street, then immediately turn right.  继续 around Bond Hall, between the 艺术 Annex and Dickeson Hall, into the Gunter Hall parking 很多.   
  • Enter Gunter Hall through the southeast, garden level entrance.
  • Parking permits are available from the reception desk in Gunter Hall 0330.

UNC地图找到Gunter Hall