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UNC 社交媒体 Policy

社交媒体政策和最佳实践对每个人都很重要 understanding and apply to UNC 社会 media platforms. This will provide guidance to produce consistent communications campus-wide. As an owner or user of an official 北科罗拉多大学附属的社交媒体账号,你在讲话 on behalf of the university. We ask that you post responsibly and adhere to the following guidelines to ensure the best experience for 我们的观众.

Girls holding a phone up taking a photo.

Girls holding a phone up taking a photo.

Purpose of this Policy 

社交媒体政策对于每个人了解UNC都很重要 社会 media platforms and best practices. This will provide guidance to produce consistent communication campus-wide. As an owner or user of an official University of Northern 科罗拉多附属的社交媒体账号,你是在代表学校发言. 我们要求您负责任地发帖,并遵守以下指导方针,以确保 the best experience for 我们的观众.

Application of this Policy 

本政策适用于博天堂官方教职员工、学生创建的所有社交媒体账户 employees or students with university authorization.




博天堂官方网站UNC, UNC员工,学生,校友的机密或专有信息 或其他与联合国军司令部有关联的人,或任何其他可能侵犯其权利的人 适用的联邦和州法律法规规定的隐私权,包括 但不限于1996年的《博天堂官方》 (HIPAA)和家庭教育权利隐私法案(FERPA)以及大学政策 may not be posted on a UNC 社交媒体 account. 


博天堂官方社交媒体账户持有人必须遵守所有的服务条款 the platforms for the applicable account. Below are some of the most common platforms with links to their Terms. 





Campus in the fall.

Policy Requirements 

每个UNC社交媒体帐户,现有的或在完成后创建的 UNC 社交媒体 Application,是受此政策的要求,所有帐户必须遵循的过程 set forth for a review for official recognition by the University. Regardless if UNC 社交媒体账户已经完成申请流程,或者是否已经存在 在创建策略之前,此策略仍然整体适用. 

不适当或未经授权的内容,不符合本政策或 作为账户管理员的UNC员工可能会删除平台的条款 or at the direction of the UNC Marketing and Communications team. 

不适当的内容包括广告、代言产品、讨论 影响大学的法律或机密事项,政治支持,个人 攻击,垃圾邮件,粗话,不适当的图像,攻击性行为等. 


社交媒体政策和最佳实践对每个人都很重要 understanding and apply to UNC 社会 media platforms
. 这将提供指导,以产生一致的沟通全校范围内. As 北科罗拉多大学附属社交网站的所有者或用户 media account, you are speaking on behalf of the university. We ask that you post 负责任地遵守以下指导方针,以确保最佳的体验 我们的观众.

Multiple times a week, no more than twice a day 
Parents/Support People, 校友, some students


Review content for grammatical and spelling errors. Do your research before posting 任何信息. When you are posting on a main page (i.e college-level or university-level pages) do not use UNC jargon that may not be familiar to everyone. 避免使用 acronyms unless you have already stated their meaning. 

  • 避免使用 acronyms unless you have already stated their meaning.


Instagram和脸谱网的故事非常相似,而TikTok的故事则很典型 the same as TikToks but only live for 24 hours. Instagram and 脸谱网 stories can 可以分享别人的帖子或你自己最近的帖子,一个短视频, infographics, UNC updates, etc.

  • Instagram/脸谱网:以某种身份一天多次发布故事. 
  • TikTok: post to story at your own discretion. Most of the time, it makes more sense 在抖音上发布信息,供用户在必要时再次查找.

Crisis and Emergency Communication 

在危机或紧急情况下,包括任何与天气有关的事件,所有通信 will come from the central Marketing and Communications team. Authorized account users 是否鼓励在其他公众号上分享回应,尽管这很重要 避免在联合国军司令部主要帐户或信息之前发布信息 发现其他地方. 

视乎情况的性质,任何先前排定的员额可另定 official accounts should be reviewed and reconsidered before posting. 

Leo taguma mural art.

Comment Moderation 

UNC的社交媒体平台旨在让我们的读者参与周到 以及有智慧的讨论,我们欢迎热烈的辩论和各种各样的观点. 所有用户都有权删除他人在其页面上发布的不需要的内容。 我们保留权利缓和评论和删除任何被认为是 be: 

  • 个人攻击其他评论者或持续歪曲我们的内容 (虽然我们欢迎批评和反馈,对作者的人身攻击或持续的 and repeated criticism of our content will be removed) 
  • Shouting (written in ALL CAPS)
  • 广告或跨度(包括任何看似由机器人发布的内容)
  • 使用脏话,或包含裸体,性行为或过度的图像或视频 暴力
  • 诽谤的、淫秽的、冒犯的、色情的、庸俗的、亵渎的、不雅的或非法的
  • 种族或宗教诽谤任何人,或煽动仇恨或暴力,或可能 因种族、宗教、民族、性别而侮辱、冒犯或羞辱他人; age, sexual orientation or any physical or mental disability
  • False, misleading or deceptive
  • Completely off topic or repetitive content
  • 链接到不相关的个人博客或网站(链接到其他博天堂官方网站故事或网站) relevant to the discussion will be allowed) 

Users who repeatedly breach this policy will be blocked!

通常,除非有消息,否则我们不会对时事、悲剧和死亡事件作出回应 是由校园领导发布的,还是我们制作一个博天堂官方网站教师/学生/校友的故事 expert’s take on the topic. Community boosts on Instagram are a good way to elevate our community’s sentiments without making direct statements. 

Naming Conventions

  • Account Long Name

    帐户长名称必须以“University of Northern Colorado”开头.“如果你 have a long department or organization name (i.e. Gender and Sexuality Resource Center, Disability Resource Center), use UNC at the beginning of your long name. 

  • Account Short Name (the @, the user handle)

    使用“@UNCO_[你的部门]”,无论是首字母缩写还是全名 足够短. (i.e. @unco_campusrec, @unco_gsrc, @unco_mgc) 

    联系 社会.media@ycdwkj666.com with any questions. 

  • 标签

    #UNCBears: A general hashtag for everyone 

    #GoBears or #VamosOsos: our UNC pride hashtags 

    #UNCBears校友: used by alumni around the world 


    #GetUpGreeley: used by the UNC 体育运动 Department 

    如果你正在创建一个新的标签,研究一下是否已经有相关的活动 with the potential hashtag. If there is not, it’s safe to continue. If there is, it’s okay to continue if the content is UNC-related. 

  • 记住!

    如果你在UNC官方账号的帖子中被标记,一定要分享和评论 or engage in some manner with the post. 是社会!


Compliance with the UNC 社交媒体 Policy is required. For any questions, contact Marketing and Communications at UNC. 

将进行随机审计,以确保UNC社交媒体账户的完整性。 representation of the UNC brand. Any accounts that have been inactive for three months, 或包含不适当的,未经授权的,机密的,和/或专有信息 可能会被移除 

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