

Gain the skills that many employers consider the most vital to career success in the 沟通研究 文学学士 program at UNC. 作为传播学研究 major, you’ll explore message exchange in all its forms—in organizations, relationships 和 across cultures—和 graduate ready to apply what you’ve learned in the workplace 在你的个人生活中.

You’ll also benefit from valuable experiential learning opportunities in the community 和 beyond, including internship programs with Denver-area businesses, opportunities to present at regional conferences 和 the chance to join our chapter of Lambda Pi Eta,全国传播荣誉学会. 班级规模小,协作性强, 和 led by accessible instructors who are both dedicated teachers 和 accomplished 通讯领域的研究人员.


Choose from a bachelor's degree or a minor 沟通研究.

B.A. 传播学研究

Students majoring 传播学研究 complete introductory courses in public 口语,理论和探究. Intermediate courses for majors include studies in persuasion, 人际沟通和小团体. 有多种选修课程可供选择, including studies in debate, family communication, leadership, 和 communication 和 技术. Students are encouraged to do internships for up to six hours of credit.



In addition to the Greeley campus program, this program is also offered online through 博天堂官方扩展校区.




UNC’s 辅修传播学 requires 18 credit hours. 你会选两个必修课 courses (Public Speaking 和 Introduction to Communication), then will customize your minor to fit your chosen career path by selecting courses in Interpersonal Communication, Small Group 和 组织沟通, Communication 和 Influence, 和 Communication Studies (courses with COMM prefix or JMS 490).



Experiences to prepare you for real-world success

In the 沟通研究 bachelor’s degree program, your learning isn’t confined 去教室. Through an active internship program (worth up to six credits as part of the major) you’ll apply your learning in diverse professional roles in customer service, event planning, public relations, training 和 more. 许多课程提供 applied assignments, such as the ’40 Hour Project’ found in select sections of the 顶石. In it, you work closely with a professional client to develop a communication initiative based on their needs—such as creating a marketing campaign or planning 推广一项活动. Many other projects focus on community service, working with local schools, Boys 和 Girls Clubs 和 other community organizations.

"The best part of the 沟通研究 program is the learning that goes on both 课堂内外. 你每天都在应用沟通知识."  

Casey Luzar, LPH President, 沟通研究: Class of 2013 


Gain an edge in the job market while developing professional 和 interpersonal communication skills that will serve you throughout your life. 在博天堂官方的传播研究项目中, you’ll master a variety of communication challenges including public speaking, persuasion, debate 和 family communication, just to name a few.

想想博天堂官方的传播学B.A. 如果你:

  • Want to develop a broad range of communication skills
  • Enjoy problem-solving 和 working with diverse audiences
  • Want to lead in your career 和 in your community


  • Effective written 和 verbal communication skills for home, work 和 life
  • 批判性思维和人际交往能力
  • 新兴媒体与技术


  • 演讲基础
  • 家庭沟通
  • 通讯及科技
  • 说服
  • 组织沟通
  • 专业的演讲


When asked to assess job c和idate skills as part of a recent study, employers rated verbal communication skills the most important, followed by teamwork 和 problem-solving 能力.*博天堂官方传播学B.A.,你会发展这些技能 in the classroom 和 in the field with the expert guidance of award-winning faculty.

* Source: Job Outlook 2016, National Association of Colleges 和 Employers 


Because communication skills are vital in almost any career, our 沟通研究 majors 和 minors pursue a wide range of professional paths upon graduation. 这些 这只是几种可能性:

  • 社区关系专员
  • 励志演说家/培训师
  • 通信顾问
  • 销售和客户服务专业人员
  • 活动策划人
  • 说客
  • 人力资源专员
  • 培训主持人


Our 沟通研究 professors are both exceptional educators 和 noted researchers 在不同的研究领域. 目前的研究项目包括:



David Palmer recently co-edited a book that introduces a unique form of education called communication activism pedagogy (CAP)—teaching students how to use their communication knowledge 和 skills to intervene with community partners to promote social justice. Teaching Communication Activism: 社会正义的传播教育 includes examples of how communication educators have taught students to intervene to confront social justice issues including gender inequality 和 violence, ethnic 和 racial prejudice 和 discrimination, 和 health disparities 和 energy issues 影响到那些生活在贫困中的人. For his work, Palmer received the 2015 Distinguished Edited Book Award from the National Communication Association's (NCA) Applied Communication 部门.


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