
博天堂官方网站 Submission 政策及指引

大学博天堂官方网站 和 公共 Relations welcomes the 提交 of short news announcements for 公共ation in one of the university’s e-newsletters or story ideas for consideration of production 和 dissemination to external audiences, including the media.

Please review the policies 和 guidelines outlined on this page before making your 提交.


 An illustration of a newspaper for display purposes.

Submitting 博天堂官方网站 for 大学博天堂官方网站letter

UNC has one main weekly e-newsletter that serves as the official means of communication for faculty, 工作人员 和学生. 在UNC is designed to keep our community 和 friends informed about key university initiatives 和 policies, engagement opportunities on 和 off campus 和 to share the honors, achievements 和 celebrations of our faculty, 工作人员 和学生. 

Announcements 和 news items for our e-newsletters should be from a UNC department or office, a registered student organization or other UNC-affiliated program 和 will be accepted only from UNC faculty, 工作人员 和学生 with email addresses ending 在陌生的.Edu或bears.奇怪的人.edu. 

根据 associated deadlines 和 the amount of news content in any given week, 提交 items may not immediately appear in a newsletter. 请让我们知道 the 提交 form’s “Additional comments” section if there’s a news peg (an event, holiday, deadline) that makes your item more timely. 

If your announcement is about an event that is open to the university community, consider 也把它添加到 UNC的活动日历, the main source of event information for UNC students, faculty, 工作人员, parents, 校友 和格里利社区. 



在UNC is a weekly e-newsletter sent to students, faculty, 工作人员 和 external 利益相关者. It is published on Monday mornings.
The deadline for content is the Thursday prior to 公共ation at 5 p.m.

Submitting Story Ideas for Media / 公共

Our best stories often come from our university community members. 我们一直在寻找 对于以下的故事:

  • Demonstrate the university’s commitment to being a Students First institution 
  • Showcase the impact of our teaching 和 research 
  • Celebrate the talents 和 achievements of our faculty, 工作人员 和学生 
  • Illustrate our work toward the 五大愿景要素 联合国军司令部战略计划的一部分
  • Are relevant to current events or trending news topics
  • Have a compelling human-interest angle, or that are just fun 和 speak to UNC’s br和

Story ideas should also support of the university’s 2030 strategic plan goals as currently defined in 大学的发展’s Strategic 市场推广及传播 plan:

  • Raise the visibility 和 perception of the UNC br和, showcasing the university’s commitment to student success, diversity, faculty excellence 和 community impact 
  • Drive engagement 和 deepen relationships with UNC 校友 和 friends
  • Establish UNC as a thought leader, influencer 和 expert 


博天堂官方网站 和 公共 Relations follows the University of Northern Colorado’s Editorial Style Guide, which is based on the Associated Press (AP) Stylebook. It is the university’s official resource for use in all non-academic, promotional written communications, ensuring we provide a consistent, cohesive, coordinated message 和 image to our key audiences 对公众来说. 

提交 news or announcements using our 博天堂官方网站提交表格, be sure to include complete information, including who, what, where, 的时候, 为什么和怎么做.  

The 渠道 used to distribute 提交 news are at the discretion of 大学博天堂官方网站 和 公共 Relations. 提交5月 appear in one or more newsletters, on UNC’s 博天堂官方 website, social media or in a press release. 

Submitted items that are incomplete or inaccurate or do not meet guidelines will be emailed back to the submitter for 额外的 details.

Content for newsletters should be brief 和 easy to navigate for readers. 所有 提交 items should have a story or event to link to for complete information.  

首字母缩略词 should always be spelled out on first reference for newsletter 提交s. 新员工 和学生 join the university every semester 和 may not be familiar with our 术语. 

博天堂官方网站letter 提交s will be edited for accuracy, brevity, 清晰 和 suitability using Associated Press (AP) style.  

Include a URL for your newsletter announcement, when possible, even if it goes to your department or office’s website. For example, include a URL(s) for: 

  • A webpage with 额外的/complete information
  • An online registration or nomination/application form
  • An online PDF of a flyer or poster 包含ing 额外的 information. 避免链接 to Word or Excel documents due to load time. 

The editor reserves the right to review, suspend or deny announcement requests for 任何理由. 

For more detailed information about communicating information to members of the university 社区,读 pages 130-132 of University Regulations (PDF).

To ensure accuracy 和 consistency with the university’s br和, voice 和 编辑风格指南; employees working with external writers or organizations on editorial content that represents the university must inform 市场推广及传播 so that content can be reviewed 和 approved prior to 公共ation.  This includes joint press releases or other news or articles about the university or members of the university community written by outside writers or organizations. 

所有 editorial content produced by UNC employees on behalf of the university, including press releases 和 feature articles, must be reviewed 和 approved by Marketing 和 Communications to ensure accuracy 和 consistency with the university’s br和, voice 和 编辑风格指南.


  • Who are your audiences for news 和 announcements? 

    大学博天堂官方网站 和 公共 Relations distributes news through several internal 和 外部渠道. Distribution plans will vary depending on the topic, timing 和 audience, 和 are at the discretion of 博天堂官方网站 和 公共 Relations 工作人员. 

    内部的观众, including our own university community, local 利益相关者 和 friends.  

    • 在UNC — our weekly e-newsletter for students, faculty, 工作人员 和 external 利益相关者 每星期一发出.

    外部的观众, including the general 公共 和 the media.  

    • 博天堂官方 —UNC’s searchable news website that houses all our press releases 和 特写. 
    • 社交媒体 — UNC’s main social media 渠道, including 脸谱网, 推特 和 Instagram  
    • Weekly Media newsletter — our weekly digital newsletter sent to Colorado media every Friday that highlighting UNC-generated news 和 other key university updates. 
    • Press releases — distributed to media outlets 和 other 利益相关者 throughout Colorado, 在适当的时候,甚至更多.
    • 博天堂官方网站wise — a national newswire that allows us to pitch our faculty experts or share news of state or national importance, including embargoed research news that adheres 期刊指南. 
  • How many times does an announcement appear in a newsletter? 

    For the most part, announcements appear one time in a newsletter. 然而,也有 times multiple announcements are necessary, such as promotion of a big event on campus that might include a save-the date 和 a reminder notice several weeks later.  

    Additional appearances are dependent on the nature of the announcement 和 current 公告数量. E-newsletters generally 包含 a maximum of six or seven announcements to keep them a quick read. 

  • What kind of content is not appropriate for a university newsletter? 

    The content of news 提交s must be 直接相关的 去大学,不去 包含 commercial advertising, solicitation or religious or political editorials. 当地的 提交s relevant to the UNC campus community will be considered for 公共ation but may be ranked lower in priority. 

  • What if there is an error in my announcement when it is published in a newsletter? 

    Because our newsletters are sent out via email, it is 不可能的 to make any changes to any announcement or event once they are sent. 根据 the severity of the error, the editor will decide to take one of the following actions: 

    • Send a correction letter to that newsletter’s recipients as soon as possible (very 罕见的) 
    • Include the correction in the next newsletter (common)
    • Avoid any correction if it is miniscule in nature 和 has little to no impact (common). 
  • How do I change information I already 提交 that has not yet been published? 

    联系 公共.relations@奇怪的人.edu. Please be specific about what you want changed, 和 keep in mind the days 和 times 每一份通讯. 

  • Who do I contact if I have a problem making a news 提交? 

    联系 the Office of 博天堂官方网站 和 公共 Relations: 公共.Relations@奇怪的人.edu. 

  • I have an idea for a story that I would like 博天堂官方网站 和 PR to produce 

    If your college/department/unit has its own communications or marketing specialist on 工作人员, please contact them at the same time you reach out to us. 大多数都有 建立了 working relationships with 市场推广及传播 和 should be your 最初的 point of contact when you have news or story ideas to share.  

    Stories take time for us to produce 和 working new stories into our existing workload 会很有挑战性. 交货期长(at least three weeks if possible)是必不可少的. We’ll get back to you promptly.

  • I have written a story 和 would like for 博天堂官方网站 和 PR to distribute it through their 渠道 

    If your college/department/unit has its own communications or marketing specialist on 工作人员, please contact them first. 大多数都有 建立了 working relationships with 市场推广及传播 和 should be your 最初的 point of contact when you have news or story ideas to share. 另外, 他们会可能想要 to distribute your story through their 渠道 as well.