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Visiting Campus  

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You are welcome to use our Guest Wi-Fi while you're on campus. 

Need to find your way around? Visit UNC's Online Map to navigate campus. 

What Should Students Bring? 

  • Software? Before you buy any software, check if we offer it for free. A lot of software is available to students, including Microsoft Office. Students can download software via the Office365 Portal
  • Buying a computer? UNC has partnered with Dell and Lenovo to bring our students some amazing deals. Check out UNC's Personal Computer Buying guide for more information.
  • We recommend that students do NOT bring a printer; printers are available in the computing labs. Students are provided with a printing credit at the beginning of the year and can add more money as needed. They can also print through Bear Print

Parent Alert

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FERPA Regulations

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records.

IM&T cannot give parents access to student accounts.

For more information, please visit UNC's FERPA page


Featured Services


Parents are welcome to use the UNC-Guest network while visiting campus. Parents who may be associated with a partner institution may also use EduRoam. If you experience issues with either system, please visit our guides.